Saturday, December 9, 2006

Unto the Breach...

So, i've finally done it: i've created a blog.

This shall be a small window into the life that is mine, but warning! reader descretion is strongly advised: some writing shall contain scenes of stupidity, hillarity, AND, if you're lucky, nudity...but i highly doubt the nudity part...i mean, reading nudity? not very exciting in my book :P.

Anymcwhosin...i'm here at the UC takin a small breather from the excitement that is catching up on my anthropology readings...about two hundred pages to go...eep. but thats life, and i'm alright with that.

And now for the extreme and ultimate truth of who i really am....i'm a PANDA. i've been on the run from the Pandasia government since i was about the size of a can of diet-pepsi, and i'm now in my secret location that shall not be disclosed to anybody...(hey, can somebody give me a lift to my place? its on Liverpool Ave...really? awesome! i'll meet you here when ur ready!)...completely secret from everybody, and nobody will find me, muahahahahahaha!

i'm not exactly sure why i laughed maniacally, but hey, i think its just one of those days where it would suit me good to do so. tuesday will be another one of those days for me...between now and tuesday i must study my A$$ off...tuesday i have an anthropology exam, and i'll be ready for it. tuesday night, i have a spanish exam. i dont know ANY spanish....wait! i do know some...hablo espanol es muy ano...that roughly means that i speak spanish like ass, lol.

anywho, i'm gonna get back to my reading, for i shall be visited soon by a truely amazing woman who is gettin out of an exam...for now, i shall refer to her by the first letter of her first name, and call her K. i'm also being met by a mutual friend of mine and K, whose name i shall also only refer to by first letter of her first name, so i'm calling her C. so K and C shall be here soon, and our other wonderful counterpart J, K and I's faithful Panda Avenger, is at work and cannot be here, but when she reads this, i'm certain she will laugh :D

my pet!

1 comment:

Icarus said...

She laughs! LAUGHING!